Mastermind Team

CEO | Be-One Multimedia

Burnid Cachemir

Graphic Designer | Knocky Media

Chino B. Cachemir

What is Be- One?

Be One is a production company that specializes in high quality innovative productions based on the current market trends.

Why choose for Be- One?

The current market is saturated and anyone can download an app and edit or record with their telephone.
Despite this there is need for tailor made visual communication that interacts with a specific target group in order to stand out.

Be- One Main focus

Be one focuses on high quality production locally and internationally.

Vision statement

Our vision is to create an interactive experience between client and customers with immediate return on investment.

Mission statement

We do not sell ads, we sell content driven interactions to customers with clients.

Be- One market specialization

We identify and connect business opportunities in a competitive market. Be One caters to everyone that needs to get a specific message across with immediate results. We focus on customer engagement by following global trends in the current market. Together with Be One customers can master the art of bending time and accelerate abundance. Attracting abundance in a saturated market, unstable economy and to be able to let go of fear of decision making is a state of mind change. To be able to do this one must be open to new creative ideas, out of the box thinking and lots of courage.
Most of all, communication is key in order to achieve this new mind state change.

By hiring Be One, the customer is ready to give all he is got to compete, stand out and show his presence.

“Let us create what you envision to be

Be- One services and rates

The biggest misconception nowadays is that production of audiovisual material is not affordable if it is high quality.Our customers deserve the best no matter their budget.High quality content is our basic service and add ons determine the total price of the production. There you have it; with Be– One you can always count on high quality content produced with the latest in audiovisual equipment based on your budgetThe concept of your content determines extra add ons always taking the end product into consideration.